Friday, September 24, 2010

Vandalism.. beautiful as a rock in a cop's face

     This past week has put a complete halt to my music recording. I usually try to atleast get some ideas recorded onto my laptopI've had no desire or inspiration to do much with anything I've come up with. Part of it of it has to do with the fact that I've been busy. I don't think this is a bad thing though. I usually come up with my best musical ideas when I let it sit and marinate in my mind. Then, when the idea is ripe I'll begin the process of creating beauty out of every riff and ditty.
     It's also good that I stop with my constant computer sitting that I do. I usually can't stop with recording until i'm done, so I could sit at my laptop screen with my acoustic guitar for hours. I plan to change this though. I want to record something on the heavier side this weekend if I have time. My guitar playing has lacked in pure brutal riffage in the past weeks and I will solve this problem.
    I've been taking a lot of metal influence from Dark Angel, Atheist, Cynic, Black Sabbath, and Electric Wizard.

Dark Angel- Darkness Descends (Thrashter Piece)

Electric Wizard- Come My Fanatics(God tier Doom Metal)

On  a different note, I've recently been in love with the album "Lightness" by Peter and the Wolf.
You cool cats and hipsters can read a review of the album at Pitchfork. I would suggest it to anyone who likes calming music or wants to try something new musically. Albums like this have a huge influence on me. I've listened to this album every night before bed for the past week. I will review it the next time I do my music of the week. I want to give it a few more listens before giving my opinion on it.
   Stay Classy Franklin Heights!

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