Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Led Zeppelin - Gods of Rock?


     Any person who plays drums, guitar, bass, or sings knows about the rock legends that make up Led Zeppelin. Led Zeppelin was one of the most well known bands in the world during their career, and their presence in the history of rock is undeniable.  Hence the name of their 1976 release "Presence". Some of their other well know works include their fourth album nick named " the Four Symbols logo", Houses of the Holy, Physical Graffiti, and Led Zeppelin II.
      My personal favorite albums are Houses of the Holy, and Presence.
Robert Plant-Vocalist
           Robert Plant's howling vocals and the dreamy lyrics written by him and Jimmy Page make a mean formula of godly.
Guitarist- Jimmy Page
    "Jimmy Page" Nuff said.
Drummer- John Bonham
    John Bonham's ankle breaking triplets and solid beats are huge part of Led Zeppelins sound. When he died Led Zeppelin stopped producing albums and touring.

Bass player/mult instrumentalist- John Paul Jones
    John Paul Jones helped polish off some of Led Zeppelin's most popular songs. Such as All of my Love's keyboard solo, and Achilles Last Stand chunky bass line.

     Led Zeppelin had an undeniable effect on music. People have even said that they sold their souls to the devil for fame. I will post my feelings towards that on my next blog.

Stay Classy Franklin Heights.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Current News on My Music

    After a long period of procrastination, I've finally decided to put a cd of my music online! It is entitled "My Face is an Atomic Mass Waiting to Go into the Melting Process". I think this is a big deal because I can now get my music out onto the internet. People can download it either for free or name their own price for it
You can check it out here!
    It's far from done yet, and some rough spots in songs are obvious. Drums and bass have not been added to some songs. This will be taken care of within the next two weeks or so. Then I'll start refining and editing the songs more precisely. I then plan to add some longer jam oriented songs onto the cd/site. This would include the help of my friends to get it all down in a few takes. I want to stray away from the genre that I've set up throughout the cd. I want to give it a nice solid sound  to finish it out.


Well, that's all I have on current news! Stay Classy Franklin Heights

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I'm working on my album/cd!

It will soon be completed.. I will be giving a link to it in my next post :D

Friday, September 24, 2010

Vandalism.. beautiful as a rock in a cop's face

     This past week has put a complete halt to my music recording. I usually try to atleast get some ideas recorded onto my laptopI've had no desire or inspiration to do much with anything I've come up with. Part of it of it has to do with the fact that I've been busy. I don't think this is a bad thing though. I usually come up with my best musical ideas when I let it sit and marinate in my mind. Then, when the idea is ripe I'll begin the process of creating beauty out of every riff and ditty.
     It's also good that I stop with my constant computer sitting that I do. I usually can't stop with recording until i'm done, so I could sit at my laptop screen with my acoustic guitar for hours. I plan to change this though. I want to record something on the heavier side this weekend if I have time. My guitar playing has lacked in pure brutal riffage in the past weeks and I will solve this problem.
    I've been taking a lot of metal influence from Dark Angel, Atheist, Cynic, Black Sabbath, and Electric Wizard.

Dark Angel- Darkness Descends (Thrashter Piece)

Electric Wizard- Come My Fanatics(God tier Doom Metal)

On  a different note, I've recently been in love with the album "Lightness" by Peter and the Wolf.
You cool cats and hipsters can read a review of the album at Pitchfork. I would suggest it to anyone who likes calming music or wants to try something new musically. Albums like this have a huge influence on me. I've listened to this album every night before bed for the past week. I will review it the next time I do my music of the week. I want to give it a few more listens before giving my opinion on it.
   Stay Classy Franklin Heights!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


     I absolutely love music. I love everything from thrash metal to progressive rock. I love getting lost in riffs by Yes, and then later going thrashing mad with riffs by Slayer. I'm open to new music all the time. I do prefer music that is guitar orientated though.

My favorite guitar parts lately have been more on the metal and progressive rock side.. These include:
-Twilight of the Gods by Helloween
-Strike of the Beast by Exodus
-Close to the Edge by Yes
-Joy by Circulatory System

My favorite vocal parts lately have been:
-Light a Roman Candle With Me by Fun.
-Sad and Beautiful World by Sparkle Horse
-You and Whose Army? by Radiohead
-Campfire by Grizzly Bear

Latest album i've bought:
-Monotheist by Celtic Frost
     So far, I think this album is wonderful. It's a bit different then anything I've heard off of their albums To Mega Therion and Into The Pandemonium. It's darker and slower than anything i've heard by them, but I love every moment of it. They've moved from their thrash metal roots into something that is a mix of doom metal and black metal, but the thrash influence is still there.
    Some standout tracks include "Ain Elohim", "A Dying God Coming into Human Flesh", and the 21 minute monster "Triptych". The songs on this album set an extremly dark mood for the listener and it's not for the frail. I'd recommend it to anyone that enjoys doom metal or any progressive music genre.

Album of the week:

Anabelas by Bubu
You can check out a review of the album here: http://orexisofdeath.blogspot.com/2009/01/bubu-anabelas-1978-argentina.html

Stay Classy Franklin Heights

Friday, September 3, 2010

Doll Face

I think this video is an interesting way of showing how the media has an effect on girls and people in general. The girl in the video feels like she needs to build herself into the image that she sees on t.v. She does this until she can't get to the t.v and begins to break from trying. Advertising certainly has an affect on what we see as beautiful or what we find attractive. It's hard to not take an influence from something if your seeing it everyday. (this is why I don't watch t.v) I think t.v can have some serious effects on some girls and boys self esteem in a bad way. I think that at the same time though, that some improvement isn't bad, but doing it to the point where you are breaking down is. You shouldn't build your image completely off of someone else. Even though it may seem like the people on t.v are these "perfect" and gorgeous people, they probably aren't. You shouldn't let the media define beauty for you so that you'll  buy their products that may not even work. This is only my opinion though.

Stay classy Franklin Heights

Summer time/school

This summer I did a wide variety of things. I hung out with friends, jammed, had people over, swam, went to the movies, pranked some people, and listened to a lot of music. One of my favorite things to do though was jamming with Dayne, and Trent. Trent threw down some funky bass lines like Les Claypool, Dayne drummed like Niko Mcbrain, and I shredded like Jeff Hannamen. Summer had some terrible moments though. I didn't go to band for 2+ months. It gave me a lot more free time to do things with friends. I found some interesting to do in my free time like go to Osprey lake and swim. It's nice to relax and swim. I did rejoin band in August though. I had to go to band camp and catch up to everyone else in the band. It was also fun to have alone time to think and ponder. School tends to prohibit this from 8 a.m -3:20 p.m.  Getting back to school wasn't as bad as I thought it was. I expected waking up to be a major pain the first day, but the first day had some surprises like having class with other people than usual and not being  sluggish. It became sluggish when we had band right after school from 3:30 to 5:30 to prepare for the Friday night football game. I think Sophmore year will be a bigger challenge than Freshman year because the work load and expectations will be higher. I expect it to be a lot of fun, and a lot of work. I still hang out with friends and play guitar everyday and moment possible. I'm planning on jamming a lot this school year and doing well in school. Stay classy Franklin Heights.