Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Led Zeppelin - Gods of Rock?


     Any person who plays drums, guitar, bass, or sings knows about the rock legends that make up Led Zeppelin. Led Zeppelin was one of the most well known bands in the world during their career, and their presence in the history of rock is undeniable.  Hence the name of their 1976 release "Presence". Some of their other well know works include their fourth album nick named " the Four Symbols logo", Houses of the Holy, Physical Graffiti, and Led Zeppelin II.
      My personal favorite albums are Houses of the Holy, and Presence.
Robert Plant-Vocalist
           Robert Plant's howling vocals and the dreamy lyrics written by him and Jimmy Page make a mean formula of godly.
Guitarist- Jimmy Page
    "Jimmy Page" Nuff said.
Drummer- John Bonham
    John Bonham's ankle breaking triplets and solid beats are huge part of Led Zeppelins sound. When he died Led Zeppelin stopped producing albums and touring.

Bass player/mult instrumentalist- John Paul Jones
    John Paul Jones helped polish off some of Led Zeppelin's most popular songs. Such as All of my Love's keyboard solo, and Achilles Last Stand chunky bass line.

     Led Zeppelin had an undeniable effect on music. People have even said that they sold their souls to the devil for fame. I will post my feelings towards that on my next blog.

Stay Classy Franklin Heights.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Current News on My Music

    After a long period of procrastination, I've finally decided to put a cd of my music online! It is entitled "My Face is an Atomic Mass Waiting to Go into the Melting Process". I think this is a big deal because I can now get my music out onto the internet. People can download it either for free or name their own price for it
You can check it out here!
    It's far from done yet, and some rough spots in songs are obvious. Drums and bass have not been added to some songs. This will be taken care of within the next two weeks or so. Then I'll start refining and editing the songs more precisely. I then plan to add some longer jam oriented songs onto the cd/site. This would include the help of my friends to get it all down in a few takes. I want to stray away from the genre that I've set up throughout the cd. I want to give it a nice solid sound  to finish it out.


Well, that's all I have on current news! Stay Classy Franklin Heights

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I'm working on my album/cd!

It will soon be completed.. I will be giving a link to it in my next post :D